This past weekend was great to say the least. It was relaxing and we had beautiful Southern Cali weather. It was spent with my little family, extended family and friends.
I've been trying to do Friday Fun Days with Miss Hollyn and do something fun together. I usually try to get out of the house and go do something other than run errands since she doesn't quite enjoy that...or shopping for that matter. This past Friday we went to the La Habra Children's Museum. It was a great time! First, it only cost $8 to get in; Second, kids under 2 are free; Third, Hollyn got to run around like a crazy woman without hearing the word "NO." Well, maybe that was an exaggeration...she heard it a couple times when she tried to take a toy from another kid or tried to move a kid out of the way so she could "drive" the car. But for the most part she got to do what she wanted, climb on what she wanted and full-on have a field day in a completely kid zone! Now, Hollyn is only one, so I could see where this place could get boring for older kids, but for her it works. And its cheap and she hasn't even come into the phase of really playing so I think we will be getting a lot of use of this place and their cars, grocery shopping, and dress up!

We started our Friday Fun Day out right!
Her favorite...banging on the piano and making music. Loved listening to it.
Look! A dinosaur!
This is what happens when I try to use the family bathroom and I can't see her for a split second...ahh!!! I may be going grey soon!
On Saturday we had a nice breakfast with my mom and my aunt at Mimi's. It was spent most of the time trying to keep Hollyn entertained (not as much fun to take a toddler to a restaurant these days). We then got to go do some shopping! Woo Hoo! And I actually bought myself something instead of Hollyn, because she is always way more fun to shop for!
Sunday was the perfect day with my little family. We went to church and heard a great sermon, came home, had some snacks and then headed to Centennial Farm at the OC Fairgrounds. So I thought the Children's Museum was a great deal....this place is FREE!!! That's right...FREE!!!! What can you get for free these days? Well, let me tell you! You get a wonderful day with your family looking at so many cute farm animals from llamas, to goats, to pigs, to baby cows (my favorite)! They have calfs there that you can pet and did I say that that was my favorite part?! I kinda have a thing for cows! And I may have had more fun than Hollyn. But Hollyn was pretty intrigued with petting them and looking into the chicken coup. They also have a garden there with all different veggies planted and we sat on a brick wall and Hollyn had lunch and we enjoyed the beautiful day and scenery. After we went across to the swap meet and walked around.
We came home and washed the dogs...Hollyn was helping.
Our Sunday ended with a good night with friends playing a really fun new game called Knock 31. Try will love it!
I couldn't have asked for a better weekend! Now...until next weekend!