Wednesday, January 4, 2012

38 Weeks and Counting

So tomorrow officially marks 38 she could come any time she feels from here on out. Lets just say I am ready...I am ready to meet her, ready to start our life with her and ready to kiss that little face and see that cute little booty!

Im feeling ok...I am having some sharp pains under the belly which seem to be round ligament pains, but other than that (and of course just being tired) I am doing fine. I am already on a schedule of waking up in the middle of the night (3 to 4 times to be exact) to pee. Granted I stumble my way to the restroom and stumble my way back to bed never fully waking it will obviously be different when I have to actually wake up to feed but we will adjust to that when it comes.

I am officially on maternity leave and it feels great! I have been enjoying my time getting the house ready and all the last minute things for her debut. I am loving that I can wake up and go for walks with my sis-in-law and nieces, enjoy lunch outside on the patio, spend time being "crafty" (thank you Pinterest!) and just hanging out. I have been working a lot on her nursery which will be done by this weekend and pictures are soon to come. I am ecstatic on how it has turned out so far!

Tomorrow I have my weekly Dr's appointment so we will see if I have made any progress. Last week I was 1cm and some effacement...not much going on...but I am on my "Walking This Baby Out" regimen so we will see if it has made a difference since last week.

Anywho...that's all for now! Will keep you posted!

I've gotten this a few times..."I thought you were calling to tell me you were on your way to the hospital!" Haha!

Totally feel this right now! I think I know where every restroom is in every store or location I go to! ;)

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